”This mix includes a few tunes honoring proud Fasching high points, a handful of my all-time favorites, and a couple of recently found gems that went deep fast, including the title track, named because it was the first chosen for this and, despite various tweaks and changes, the only truly untouchable tune amongst them. Shimizu, Alabaster, and Aldous were dream nights at Fasching. Beefheart, Broadcast, Tricky, Wyatt, and Micachu are nicely varied examples of musicians who mean a lot to me. Hopefully, this is a playlist that suits morning or evening, winter or summer, happy or sad, and as hard to pin a genre on as all the good stuff tends to be.”
Sida A.
1. Nine Inch Nails – A Warm Place
2. Bitchin Bajas – Outer Spaceways Incorporated
3. Dos Santos – A Shot in the Dark
4. Yasuaki Shimizu – Kakashi
5. Tricky – Makes Me Wanna Die
6. Daniel Johnston – Fly Eye
7. Ishmael Ensemble – Wax Werk
8. Tomaga – Mompfie Has To Pay
Sida B.
1. Micachu & the Shapes – Turn Me Well
2. The Tesco Bombers – Break The Ice at Parties
3. Robert Wyatt – The Age Of Self
4. Dammit I’m Mad – Röda Linjen
5. Broadcast – Black Cat
6. Dusty Springfield & Pet Shop Boys – Nothing Has Been Proved
7. Aldous Harding – Blend
8. Alabaster DePlume – A Gente Acaba (Vento Em Rosa)
9. Charlie Megira and The Bet She’ an Valley Hillbillies – Smile Now, Cry Later
10. Captain Beefheart – A Carrot Is As Close As A Rabbit Gets To A Diamond
Har du bott i Stockholm senaste 15 åren, gillar så kallad ”alternativ” musik och aldrig har fått en flyer av Gavin Maycroft så är du ett unikum. Klubbräven Gavin har bokat band, dj:at, släppt kassetter och delat ut flyers i ett par decennier känns det som. Nu knegar han som bokare på den legendariska jazzklubben Fasching, kör på med sitt bolag Oma333, har klubben Klia, samt gillar katter.